Understand how investments in the blockchain industry can be cost-effective and profitable

Experts explain how to be careful when investing or buying NFTs and ensure complete security in
transactions and asset tracking via blockchain.

When talking about the blockchain industry, not everyone understands how transactions and
asset tracking on this business network work.

The main doubts are specifically about the purchasing factor. How much do I need to have
available to make my first investment or launch into the world of NFTs? What is more advisable?
Is it expensive to invest in tokenization?

In this content, KLA Invest experts answer your questions and also alert you to rumors related to
the industry.

How do NFTs derive value? 

Every asset can be divided into two categories: fungible and non-fungible. Let’s give an example
to make it easier.

A banknote represents a fungible asset, which means that it is not unique and can be divided. In
this case, the value of the currency remains the same even if it is replaced by another monetary

On the other hand, an NFT (non-fungible token) has a unique characteristic and cannot be

NFTs are in the form of digital art, videos, music, collectibles, etc. These art forms are on the
blockchain network, they are unique and you can also prove your ownership through official

Here are some of the components that determine the value of any NFT:

  1. Usability

Usability is one of the main reasons why some people buy NFTs.
They can be used to watch shows, events, gain access to exclusive communities, early access to
sales, special discounts and much more.
Because of these extra features in an NFT, users are willing to bid a higher premium to get
exclusive rights to a community.
So owning such an NFT makes you an investor, community member, brand member and all at the
same time.
For example, at KLA Invest, all investors become ‘partners’ of the brands they buy NFTs from. You can find out more by clicking here.

  1. Rarity and general supply

Another reason NFTs are so expensive is the rarity of the art itself.

Imagine that there were 1,000 Abaporu, a work by Tarsila do Amaral, original at the same time.
Do you think they would all have the same value?

Likewise, many creators only make a limited number of NFTs available, making them difficult to
obtain and therefore valuable.

By the laws of economics, something that has a greater demand than its supply tends to become
more expensive.

One of the most popular examples is the Bored Apes, acquired by personalities such as Neymar
Jr. and Justin Bieber, and Crypto Punks.

There are only a finite number of NFTs you can buy. The examples cited above traded only
10,000 non-fungible tokens each.

Due to limited supply, existing holders of these NFTs often charge a premium to sell them.

  1. Property History

Ownership of an NFT plays an important role in determining its demand. If the creator of an NFT
is famous or popular, the NFT will automatically charge a higher price in the market.

This is why many NFTs from celebrities or famous brands charge such high prices. For example,
the NFT of the first Tweet by Jack Dorsey, the then CEO of Twitter, sold for $2.9 million.

The NFT sold by Beeble, an artist, was bought for 69.3 million dollars.

As exorbitant acquisition values are reported in the media more often, the idea that investments
in NFTs are expensive always gains more and more space.

However, there are extremely diversified values and that includes affordable prices for almost
every type of income.

KLA Invest already has collections available, all from Brazilian brands and extremely profitable,
and can help you safely study acquisitions.

  1. Eternal life 

NFTs can also provide non-cash value to internet users around the world.

While limiting the supply of digital goods has helped NFT artists and project leaders embed their
scarce virtual goods, blockchain can also play a role in ensuring these items remain available

Traditionally, digital goods were virtually limited in supply. Digital copies of games, books, music
and movies can theoretically be purchased an infinite number of times.

Você nunca verá produtos digitais esgotarem – mas, em determinado momento, eles deixarão de
ser vendidos.

Quando os mercados digitais são fechados, torna-se impossível adquirir certos itens somente
digitais, como o exemplo da Nintendo.

A empresa manteve uma postura notoriamente negativa em relação á pirataria e à emulação, e
pretende apagar da existência todos os sites que hospedam jogos que a gigante japonesa de
jogos não vende mais.

Infelizmente, isso tornou extremamente difícil preservar a quantidade abundante de jogos da
empresa e evitar que eles se perdessem no tempo.

Quanto custa a tokenização?

A tokenização é uma forma de digitalização de negócios baseada na tecnologia blockchain. 

Ela permite a criação de tokens ou moedas e é usado para atribuir seus valores a um determinado projeto. 

Devido ao crescimento do setor de criptomoedas e à adoção da tecnologia blockchain, o potencial de tokenização de negócios aumentou. 

Os contratos inteligentes permitiram a automação total do pagamento, o que acelerou significativamente o processo de coleta de fundos e o manuseio de todos os tipos de oferta inicial de moeda (ICO). 

A lista a seguir te mostra os benefícios tangíveis e intangíveis de implementar a tokenização.

Alguns benefícios tangíveis e potenciais custos: 

Aspectos legais

A tokenização não precisa de advogados para atribuir e vincular a propriedade em um projeto, mas dependendo do caso é recomendável. 

A tokenização ocorre automaticamente com contratos inteligentes. Porém, é preciso levar em conta que uma boa tokenização precisa ter um white paper significativo, que muitas vezes exige conhecimento técnico e jurídico. 

Na KLA, nós tomamos conta do white paper para você. 

Automated Compatibility

Thanks to blockchain technology and smart contracts, we have a wealth of information that
cannot be faked.

This saves money that we would otherwise have to spend maintaining financial accounting

Blackout periods, number of investors, and other policies and regulations can be built into or
close to digital securities, allowing them to automatically track and enforce, depending on the

Some intangible benefits and associated costs:


Thanks to the marketplace, crypto investors can trade around the world 24/7, with settlements
taking place in a much more efficient and transparent process.


All transaction information can be stored on a blockchain.

These records protect both the investor and the issuer.

Investors can rest assured that their data will not be compromised at any stage of the ICO.


Blockchain technology blocks the possibility of counterfeiting and theft of funds.

Furthermore, each transaction is immutable and offers decentralized protection of personal data,
making the entire process extremely secure.


Although real funds can already be divided into fractions, the current method can be inefficient.

Digital securities offer an opportunity to streamline the process of splitting assets and the
revenue generated by them.

Did you like the explanations? We hope so!

If you are ready to invest, get to know the KLA collection with BooDog and understand how the
potential return on the invested amount is 200% and you can even become a brand partner!

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